Er, brought some apples back. For myself. Who knows if the car thing will end ok or end badly. A lot of those mini instances where you kind of get excited and feel evil because it's something that you've trained yourself to think is risque. Hell, at least I'll still have my library card. At least I'll have some people to put in a good word, when I'm done. In more ways than one, the way I see it. Pieces of chicken and pieces of orange peel. Sounds like kitsch, speaking of which. Yet, for those of the culinary favor. Sounds Asian, in English terms. If even. Still unrelated.
The cookies that my mom made, half chocolate and half orange-peel somethin, plus the secret shop which involves the chicken. That's what happened. Then, who knows if the mail is going to bring us her check, in time. If not, then oh well. All of these tense relationships with folks I think I get myself into. I keep just writing it off as "gah should I say something? nah, when I get that fancy camera I'll just make a video explaining that person and I's relationship. Then, they'll get it." but that's just kind of.. lost in life.
And my 'little group of friends' are probably the worst. That's the only way I was allowed to finish that sentence. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes feels like their friends are just chaos without them. That's a reason to want to move away. Too late, now. Knee deep. That's another reason I wanted to have the little picnic concert thing. So pleasant, right? Who'd oppose? Er maybe the house'll help. Ha, contrast. I mean, by that, even if the house doesn't allow me to mend my social (ugh) life back to health then it'll definitely power up that person I used to be when I lived there before. Now, to clarify the 'social' thing, it's just... I'm not necessarily dependent on other people but a good and healthy team just makes things feel like they're moving because you're hearing your progress from all different sides. I literally just made most of that last part up because I pressed the J key in order to make sure italics was off.
If I can't trust the people that I thought I found in the most appropriate places, then who needs any of them? Er, that is, in the possibility of me not being able to work together with some people. Gah. Hell, for me to understand at least. If all else fails, then I'll do what I can by myself. Like summer '07. Insane power house thing going on. The alts like me, at least. New groups of people, sounds like. Can't complain unless I know I'm not happy in the end.
ok, before internet is deleted for everyone.
Well, at least one of us is fired from a job.
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- Peetoes
- Well, as far as I can tell.. I am a man now, but like... I am a guy who thinks he has like good morals and virtues or something but also thinking those are stupid therefore coming off as a bad prick rather than a good prick.
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