Well, at least one of us is fired from a job.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here I Come.

I was planning on listing something. I forgot, but I need to change the channel. I know what I mean. I've accidentally gotten ahead of myself because it's not the behind version of me that I'm worried about. My teeth are confused. They're in their cars texting people, wondering what went wrong.

Looking for an excuse, I just decided that this is my first weekend. I diddent. Ok, in all honesty- Bandit the German Shepherd running back and forth playing with Chris. There's the reality.

Could tell myself it's too cold to concentrate, but I'm supposed to like the cold. I just haven't hopped in, yet. When I hop in, then I'll hop in. I mean I was going to use the word 'hop' otherwise, but if I don't explain it, then others will get it wrong. Hop in to the cold. Hop in to whatever the hell is next.


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Well, as far as I can tell.. I am a man now, but like... I am a guy who thinks he has like good morals and virtues or something but also thinking those are stupid therefore coming off as a bad prick rather than a good prick.